Resources for Teaching Online
In response to the COVID-19 shelter in place situation, we have compiled a list of resources that you may be able to use with your students, organized by subject. We will update this list as we receive suggestions. The MESTA Facebook group (linked at the bottom of the page) is also a good resource.
Astronomy Picture of the Day - Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
SETI Institute Curriculum - includes (1) Our Place in the Solar System: Sun, Earth, Moon & Eclipse Activity Guide, (2) Life in the Universe, and (3) Voyages Through Time.
The Universe Unplugged video series presents exciting astronomical science in playful ways.
The American Astronomical Society has created a page of resources specifically for current online teaching needs.
NASA Kids Club is mostly games for younger children.
The Role of Data Science in Astronomy and Interstellar Exporation gives examples of how data science is making a meaningful contribution to space technology.
Infiniscope has some fascinating astronomy and geology explorations. Full-featured site has teacher support for setting up classes and customizing lessons. has a set of links to online teaching strategies, particularly taking your astronomy course online.
Kahn Academy is offering strategies for online teaching/learning at every grade level, plus "office hours" webinar chats with guest teachers who can offer tips. The sessions are recorded for viewing at a later time.
High Adventure Science features online curriculum covering topics like fresh water, climate, energy choices, feeding our population, clean air, and life in space.
My NASA Data features lessons and data sets covering all areas of the Earth Sciences.
PhET: Interactive simulations includes simulations for earth science, physics, chemistry, and biology.
Earth Science Teaching Online Resources from the National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA)
Concord Consortium (they have created a special online learning page to help with navigation and ease of access)NASA Citizen Science projects - assorted topics
Zooniverse - assorted citizen science topics
NASA Wavelength is a collection of resources on a variety of Earth- Space topics
Education GeoSource compiles education resources from a variety of organizations, providing credible and accurate Earth and Space Sciences resources.
Teach The Earth provides a portal to numerous Earth education resources
Prehistoric Life in the National Parks Coloring Book provides children of all ages pictures of flora and fauna throughout the life of the Earth for them to color (and learn about).
New Visions science curriculum provides a complete Earth Science course, laid out unit by unit. This website is intended for New York Earth Science teachers, but could be modified for anywhere else.
IRIS now known as SAGE: This website features teacher resources (including lessons) for earthquakes. Look under the EDUCATION tab.
Soil Science Society of America includes K-12 lessons and activities
AGI GeoSource for K-5 students (includes activities, resources, careers, and assessment information).
Rocks, Minerals, and Precious Stones for kids to explore the exciting science of geology to learn about the Earth's structure and which factors have shaped the globe.
Geology Virtual Trips (bringing rock outcrops to the classroom) includes "trips" to many locations around the United States, including National Parks and National Monuments. Pages include student questions and pictures of geological features from that location.
AMS Weather Resources for teachers (but has some other disciplines mixed in too)
OpenSciEd unit for grade 6 on weather and climate
TERC EarthLabs This website features EarthLabs covering nine modules including Climate and the Cryosphere, Climate and the Biosphere, Climate and the Carbon Cycle, Climate Detectives, Corals: Rain forests of the seas, Drought: Dealing with a dry spell, Earth System Science, Complex Issues Facing Fisheries Management, and Hurricanes: Earth's Meteorological Monsters.
NOAA Classroom- Ready Resources Includes modules on Great Lakes science.
CLEAN - Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network The CLEAN collection of Climate and Energy Educational Resources a collection of 70+ free, ready-to-use learning resources rigorously reviewed by educators and scientists suitable for secondary through higher education classrooms.
Climate Wheel Card Provides ideas showing what you can do at home to reduce your household carbon dioxide emissions.
Global Climate Change The mission of this NASA website is to provide the public with accurate and timely news and information about Earth's changing climate, along with current data an visualizations, presented from NASA's unique perspective.
NOAA Classroom- Ready Resources Includes modules on Great Lakes science.
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