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Meteorology Resources

Here are some collections of Earth Science related professional literature or links to useful online sources (including classroom lessons and labs).

1.   U.S. Global Change Research Program:  This government website provides a number of resources for educators that relate to climate education including Climate Change and Human Health lesson plans, Teaching Climate using the National Climate Assessment, The Climate Literacy Framework, The Energy Literacy Framework, Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), and Climate Change Educational Videos from the National Park Service.

2.   Climate Change Lessons (JLP Education):  The Jet Propulsion Laboratory has a collection of climate change lessons (K-12) that are aligned with NGSS and incorporates NASA missions and science along with current events and research.

3.   The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change from the Paleontological Research Institute focuses on scientific aspects of climate change.  Access the guide and other supporting material here.

4.   American Meteorological Society (AMS) Education Programs:  This website describes many education resources for teaching about meteorology, climate science, and oceanography.  This includes very inexpensive online courses, summer programs for teachers, kits, and other resources.

5.   Certified American Meteorological Society (AMS) Teacher Program:  The American Meteorological Society has established a formal certification to recognize and support teachers actively engaged in raising Earth Science literacy.  Details can be found at this website.

6.  The CLEAN Collection is a high-quality and rigorously reviewed collection of climate and energy educational resources and lesson plans aligned with the Climate Literacy and Energy Literacy frameworks, and the Next Generation Science Standards. Through peer-review, scientists and educators ensure scientific accuracy, pedagogic effectiveness, and classroom readiness for each resource. With nearly 1000 items in the CLEAN collection, there are multiple ways to find the resources you need. Type in a keyword, or click on the filter options, and off you go!

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